An official practically drained a lake to retrieve the Galaxy S23 Ultra model
An official who dropped the Galaxy S23 Ultra model smartphone into a lake caused reactions by practically draining the lake to retrieve his phone.

Smartphones have become such indispensable devices in our daily lives that we might go to extraordinary lengths to recover them when lost or dropped. This becomes particularly noteworthy when a government official from India goes beyond the call of duty to recover his Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra that fell into a reservoir.
As reported by the Indian Express, the incident occurred in the state of Chattisgarh, India, where a food inspector accidentally dropped his premium Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra into a reservoir while snapping a selfie. Given the handset's hefty price tag of over $1,200, the official was desperate to retrieve it. His initial attempt was to send some acquainted villagers diving into the dam. However, when this plan didn't work, he resorted to a more drastic measure.
An official practically drained a lake to retrieve the Galaxy S23 Ultra model
In an extreme step, the official rented a pump and managed to drain approximately three feet of water over the next two days. The effort eventually resulted in the recovery of his Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra. However, the celebration was short-lived due to the severe backlash received from the community. According to reports, the official's operation drained about 2.1 million liters of water, which was intended for irrigating fields spanning at least 1,500 acres.
In the aftermath of this incident, the subdivisional officer (SDO) from the government was promptly suspended. Defending himself, the suspended official argued that the drained water was unfit for irrigation and that he had obtained proper authorization for the water removal. The twist in the tale, however, is that despite all these heroic efforts, the Galaxy S23 Ultra did not survive the mishap.