Huawei distributes HarmonyOS 4.0 to more users

Chinese tech giant Huawei prepares to deliver its new operating system version, HarmonyOS 4.0, to an expanded user base.

Huawei distributes HarmonyOS 4.0 to more users

Huawei, the tech titan, has recently lifted the veil on the newest version of its operating system, HarmonyOS 4.0. Originally debuting this updated software for beta testing within China, the company provided users of more than 36 devices, spanning both phones and tablets, with the opportunity to experiment with the software's enhancements ahead of its full-scale launch. The recent announcement confirms that the beta version of HarmonyOS 4.0 is now being distributed to these participating devices.

Renowned sources indicate that the rollout of the closed beta software has commenced for an array of eligible devices. To name a few, this includes prominent devices such as the Huawei P40, the Mate 40 series phones, and the MatePad 11 series tablets. This software iteration has been labeled as version

It's imperative to note that being a closed beta release, the update will be accessible only to a select number of users. As of now, this rollout is primarily targeted at the Chinese market, yet Huawei aficionados worldwide can anticipate their opportunity to explore this novel software in the near future.

Huawei distributes HarmonyOS 4.0 to more users

Delving into the specifics of HarmonyOS 4.0, it offers a plethora of upgrades and innovative features. Users can expect enriched theme templates coupled with a stylized layout design. Additionally, the operating system provides customization options, allowing users to select the color palette of their app icons and even incorporate emoji-themed wallpapers and home screens.

Enhancements extend to the realm of notifications as well, aiming to streamline the user experience. The software clusters notifications, categorizing them by their significance. Furthermore, notifications from a singular app are now consolidated into dynamic cards, permitting users to view comprehensive details without necessitating the opening of each individual notification.

Another pivotal feature introduced in HarmonyOS 4.0 is the ability to swiftly identify text and images with a mere double-click, followed by a long press for selection. Users can then effortlessly drag the selected content to the Super Transfer Station, which acts as a temporary storage, allowing for easy previewing and batch sharing. This enhancement promises to refine the efficiency with which content is accumulated and shared across devices.
