Apple keeps saving lives: Astonishing story

Apple's life saving features are a huge hit. Tech giant yet again saved another life. Here are all the details.

Apple keeps saving lives: Astonishing story
Apple Watch to save another woman's life

When Apple announced their health features it became a huge hit. Ever since these life saving features have helped many people save lives. According to Reddit user "xanderpy," Apple's fall detection saved his mother's life, as reported by AppleInsider. When an Apple Watch user suffers a serious fall, this feature detects it and summons emergency assistance if the user does not respond. The Reddit user's mom fell to the floor of the hotel room, face down. She was discovered by a coworker on her way to her room. It turned out that the Redditor's mother's Apple Watch was the one that called for help after she fell, even though it didn't detect any movement.

Apple to save another person's life

Apple keeps saving lives: Astonishing story

Having the Apple Watch immediately call for help could have meant the difference between life and death. The Reddit subscriber's mother survived something that is "commonly fatal" because of the Apple Watch's fall detection feature.

As "xanderpy" wrote in his Reddit post, "I see stories like this sometimes and think that they are exaggerated for publicity or possibly just made up. I obviously no longer think this. Apple technology has a firm grip on me and my entire family already but this... this was something else. This made me an Apple user for life and showed me that technology like this can truly save lives."

Apple Watch