Apple Watch sends wrong signals for "car accident"

Apple Watch has some useful features for user's health and security, but sometimes it can send wrong signals. Here are all the details.

Apple Watch sends wrong signals for "car accident"
Apple Watch sends wrong signals

Modern smart devices have some really useful features for user's security and health, yet some features can mistake one action with another. An example occured with an Apple Watch. The Watch mistakes skiing with a car accident. The watch's software occasionally misinterprets a downhill ski trip as a car accident and automatically dials 911. 

Apple Watch sends wrong signals for "car accident"

apple watch confuses skiing with accident

Apple is on the agenda with the features it offers for user security. Especially emergency calls and life saving features are very useful, but sometimes the features are on the agenda by sending false signals. Apple's software developers have to deal with a difficult and complicated problem.

The emergency services department in Summit County, Colorado, received 185 incorrect crash notifications between January 13 and 22, according to a recent article in The New York Times. Apparently, Apple has noticed this problem and is working to fix it. "We are aware that in certain situations, these features may trigger emergency services even if a severe car crash or hard fall has not occurred," a company spokesperson stated. In the past, the crash detection feature of the iPhone 14 also caused a lot of trouble for the emergency services in Japan because of skiing accidents.

Apple Watch