Microsoft discontinues production of Xbox One games

Microsoft pulls the plug: Production of Xbox One Games officially discontinued.

Microsoft discontinues production of Xbox One games
Microsoft discontinues production of Xbox One games. (Image: Microsoft)

In a recent interview, Xbox game studio chief, Matt Booty, unequivocally announced Microsoft's definitive departure from developing first-party games for the previous-generation Xbox One consoles. With a clear shift in focus, Booty emphasized that the company has firmly "moved on" from the prior-generation machine and redirected its efforts towards the newer Xbox Series X/S consoles.

Microsoft discontinues production of Xbox One games

This decision serves as a telling indicator that the older consoles are progressively being left behind after a more extended transitional period, as Microsoft aligns its future endeavors with the latest gaming technology.

How long has Xbox One been out?

Xbox One was officially released on November 22, 2013. It is the successor to the Xbox 360 and the third console in the Xbox family. The console was launched in various regions around the world, including North America, Europe, Australia, and parts of Asia.

Microsoft discontinues production of Xbox One games
Microsoft discontinues production of Xbox One games. (Image: Pexels

As the Xbox One approaches its 10-year mark since its initial release, Microsoft's decision to let the console retire and shift its focus entirely to the current-generation machines

