Bad news for YouTube content creators: Food vlogs are under radar

YouTube has rolled up its sleeves to fight with eating disorders. These videos will be under control. Here are all the details.

Bad news for YouTube content creators: Food vlogs are under radar
YouTube to have limitations on food vlogs

Food vlogs are highly popular on YouTube. Millions of people create content with food such as 10.000 calorie challenge and diet vlogs. As the awareness gets stronger about self help and mindfulness some reactions started to show up. Video streaming giant YouTube now will have some limitations on such contents.

YouTube to help fight with eating disorders

YouTube to stop eating disorder videos

Content that may unintentionally encourage eating disorders is now being restricted by YouTube. The service prohibits videos on eating disorders that feature "imitable" behavior or weight-focused bullying as a starting point. Additionally, users over the age of 18 will be limited to educational and artistic videos containing disorders.

Resource panels for eating disorders will also be found in more places. They will now be displayed beneath relevant videos in nine countries, including the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. The National Eating Disorder Association in the United States may encourage viewers in the United States to call or chat with them. Online world has gone out of control for some people and social media giants have rolled up their sleeves to stop that from happening. YouTube as being the most watched video streaming platform has its restrictions as well.
