Meta revealed how its AI decides what you see online

What you see on Instagram and Facebook is decided by AI of Meta. Here are all the details.

Meta revealed how its AI decides what you see online
Meta reveales how its AI decides what you see on Instagram and Facebook

We do not have full control over what we see online as Meta's AI controls everything. Company has now revealed how its AI chooses what you see on Instagram and Facebook.  Meta has provided us with a fairly in-depth look at how its AI systems select the posts that appear in our Instagram and Facebook feeds.

Meta revealed how its AI decides what you see online

Meta revealed how its AI controls what you see

Meta revealed how its AI decides what you see online - Image 2

Meta has explained how its AI can control what you see on Instagram and Facebook. The social media giant has made 22 card systems that provide an explanation of how its AI systems rank content for its Feed, Stories, and Reels. Each card controls different aspects. For example, who made the post, how you associated with them and the number of your companions have enjoyed the post, if any has total effect on what you see online.

Meta revealed how its AI decides what you see online - Image 3

Nick Clegg, Meta's President of Global Affairs, listed the tools you can use to personalize your experience on the company's platforms in a post announcing the cards' release. Facebook and Instagram have centralized menus with customization controls known as Feed Preferences and Suggested Content Control Center. Clegg also stated that Meta is testing a new Instagram feature that lets you indicate whether you are "Interested" in a recommended reel in the Reels tab, allowing the app to display more content that is similar to it. 

