Reddit blackout has caused unexpected problems
Reddit is one of the mostly used apps worldwide and there has been a blackout which resulted in problems.

Reddit has faced a huge blackout and it affected the platform in ways that was unexpected. At this point it is obvious that blackout on Reddit will have a significant effect on the platform. Even though the problem is fixed users are still complaining about it. CEO Steve Huffman stated to NPR, "I think it's time we grow up and behave like an adult company." In an interview with The Verge, he stated, "These people who are mad are mad because they used to get something for free, and now it will not be free."
Reddit blackout has still ongoing affects
Even though the initial blackout of 48 hours has ended, the protest is far from over. There are still thousands of private or restricted subreddits. These include r/funny, which has over 40 million subscribers, r/aww, r/Music, and others with tens of millions of subscribers. The moderators of many of these subreddits have stated that they intend to carry on their protests indefinitely.
Reddit is an important platform for those who would like to ask and get suggest. Therefore having a shortage can affect many people with their searches and all.