Twitter begins to distribute "official" checkmarks again

Twitter has been going under some hard times recently. After Elon Musk's take over things started to get confusing.

Twitter begins to distribute "official" checkmarks again
Twitter to offer checkmarks again

Twitter has been having some foncusing times with checkmarks and all. After Elon Musk took over the platform things started to change and got confusing. The first thing that changed was making blue subscription a paid fee. Later we heard a about gray checkmarks too. The gray "official" checkmarks on Twitter appear to be returning to accounts owned by publishers, brands, and other public figures.

Twitter begins to distribute "official" checkmarks again

On November 9, the website launched its official badges, which are not available for purchase with its new $8 Blue subscription service. But a few hours later, it stopped the deployment and pulled them back from accounts that already had them. Esther Crawford, vice president of product at Twitter, stated that the checkmarks will return; however, the social network will initially distribute them to "government and commercial entities."

Reports show that aake accounts paid for a subscription and were verified shortly after the company's paid verification scheme went live. As a result, accounts that appeared to be legitimate started tweeting out questionable content, such as a fake Nintendo of America account posting a picture of Mario giving Twitter the middle finger and a fake LeBron James requesting a trade. Yesterday, Twitter stated on its support account that while it is "aggressively going after impersonation and deception."
