Twitter explained why nude pictures became public

Twitter's special feature was on the agenda with making people's nudes public. Here is the company's explanation for it.

Twitter explained why nude pictures became public
Twitter explains why Circle tweets were public

Couple weeks ago some tweets that were supposed to be private became public. These tweets included some nudes as well and now Twitter explains why a situation like this took place. The Guardian obtained an email from Twitter informing affected users that the breach was brought on by "a security incident that occurred earlier this year."

Twitter explains why Circle tweets became public

Twitter explained why nude pictures became public

The organization asserts the issue was "promptly fixed." Additionally, it offered an apology. Twitter stated, "We deeply regret this happened. We understand the risks that an incident like this can introduce, and we are committed to protecting the privacy of the people who use our service." 

Since Musk took over Twitter in October, the company has dealt with a growing number of technical issues. Many people were laid off and now there is no communication team on the platform to consult such problems with. The billionaire has cut the workforce by at least 60%, eliminating many of the company's senior leadership technical teams. Throughout that time, Twitter has experienced numerous blackouts and generally made disarray over highlight rollouts and evacuations.
