Android 10 maintains popularity over Android 13, statistics reveal

According to statistics, Android 10 remains more popular than Android 13, showcasing its sustained appeal among users.

Android 10 maintains popularity over Android 13, statistics reveal
Android 10 is still much more popular than Android 13. (Image: SamMobile)

According to the recent data provided by Google, Android 13 has attained an installation rate of approximately 15% across active devices globally. However, despite this noteworthy progress, it is noteworthy that Android 11 still maintains its position as the most widely adopted version of the Android operating system. Surprisingly, even the older Android 10 surpasses Android 13 in terms of installation, with a notable percentage of 17.8%. These statistics offer valuable insights into the prevailing distribution and acceptance patterns within the Android ecosystem, emphasizing the enduring popularity of Android 11 and the significant presence of Android 10.

Android 10 maintains popularity over Android 13, statistics reveal

In recent years, there has been a decrease in the frequency of updates to the Android distribution chart, with updates occurring approximately once every quarter. However, in 2023, we have been fortunate enough to receive three updates, in January, April, and now June. The latest chart, dated May 30, 2023, has been incorporated into the updated Android Studio.

Android 10
Despite its initial release as a developer preview in 2019, Android 10 has managed to maintain its strong presence. (Image: Google)

Due to the short time span between the two measurements, it is not surprising to observe minimal changes in version shares. Nevertheless, as anticipated, Android 13 has experienced another period of growth, with its share rising from 12.1% in April to 14.7% in June.

Android Studio data Android 10 vs Android 13
The chart showing the proportion of Android versions. (Image: Google)

Conversely, Android 12, 11, and 10 have seen slight declines in their shares. Despite the decrease, Android 11 maintains its position as the most prevalent version in terms of market share, being installed on 23.1% of devices worldwide.

Android 11 vs Android 13
Android 11 leads a strong position in popularity of Android versions. (Image: Google)

Interestingly, the only other Android version to exhibit growth between April and June is Android Oreo, which has increased from 6.7% to 8.3% (although still lower than its 9.5% share in January). The reasons behind this upward shift are currently unknown.


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