WhatsApp offers the long expected feature

WhatsApp has been adding new features to its platform and now they are offering something new as well. Here are all the details.

WhatsApp offers the long expected feature
WhatsApp offers new feature

Popular messaging app WhatsApp has lost so many users because of their privacy problems last year when company announced they will share data with Facebook. After that the messaging giant has offered so many new features to gain back their users and now there is something else that will be very beneficial for users. Let's take a look.

WhatsApp offers the long expected feature

WhatsApp is available on OS smartwatches

WhatsApp offers the long expected feature - Image 2

WhatsApp is currently accessible for Wear operating system smartwatches. The app is available not in beta form but with a stable version. To introduce and utilize it, you want to have a Wear operating system 3 smartwatch. The application allows you to begin new discussions, answer to messages with message, send voice messages, use emoticon, and accept calls from your wrist. There's likewise support for speedy answers.

WhatsApp offers the long expected feature - Image 3

The messaging app has been spreading its usage with different devices and features. Right now smartwatch users will also be able to utilize the app as well. Samsung and Google are also working on similar features therefore WhatsApp's move is right on time. After security problems Telegram has taken its place a few steps ahead but WhatsApp is determined to stay as number one.

