NetEase's acquisition of Quantic Dream costs approximately 100 million euros

NetEase reportedly acquired Quantic Dream for a sum of roughly 100 million Euros.

NetEase's acquisition of Quantic Dream costs approximately 100 million euros
Quantic Dream and NetEase deal reportedly costed around 100 million Euros.

In the summer of 2022, it was announced that Quantic Dream, a French studio, had been fully acquired by the Chinese corporation NetEase. Although the exact amount of the acquisition was not made public at the time, insider Tom Henderson from Insider Gaming was able to uncover an estimated value for the deal.

According to their sources, NetEase purchased Quantic Dream for around 100 million Euros. In addition, sources also revealed that David Cage, the Founder and CEO, held a 51% stake in Quantic Dream with family members, meaning his payout was likely in the realm of 50 million euros.

Quantic Dream NetEase
NetEase purchased Quantic Dream for a sum of approximately 100 million Euros.

It is hoped that the funds from the acquisition will enable David Cage's studio to finish the development of the highly ambitious Star Wars action game Eclipse, which sources say has been facing significant development challenges.

Aside from the Star Wars game Eclipse, Quantic Dream is also releasing a narrative adventure game called Under The Waves, developed by Parallel Studio. We will continue to monitor this situation and provide updates as they become available.