A nursing home in Japan admits to sterilizing mentally handicapped people

Shocking news have broken the internet when a nursing home in Japan admitted to sterilize mentally handicapped people.

A nursing home in Japan admits to sterilizing mentally handicapped people
Nursing home admits shocking news

A nursing home in northern Japan has admitted to requiring sterilization surgery for residents with intellectual disabilities who want to get married or live together at the facility. The home, run by the Asunaro Social Welfare Service Company in Esashi, Hokkaido, announced on Sunday that it has mandated sterilization for couples with intellectual disabilities for more than 20 years.

A nursing home in Japan admits to sterilizing mentally handicapped people

nursing home

The operators stated that at least 16 residents, namely 8 couples, accepted the condition and underwent sterilization surgery in 20 years. The company explained to residents that the house was unable to offer childcare facilities because they did not have the necessary experience. Men had to have a vasectomy and women had to wear a birth control ring.Those who refused the option of sterilization were asked to leave the facility, in violation of their reproductive rights, and threatened to terminate their employment support.

"Who will take responsibility when they are unable to raise children? We cannot secure the life of a newborn baby," Hidetoshi Higuchi, head of the company, told Kyodo News. The manager added that there were no residents leaving the nursing home due to the neutering requirement. Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare announced that they are investigating the allegations. "Human dignity must be protected regardless of whether they have a disability," said one official, adding that the treatment of people with mental disabilities is "inappropriate if true."