Aliens are possible! Here is what science says
Aliens are the subject of every Sci-Fi movie and book series and they can be real. Here are all the details.

What if there are aliens? This question has been on human kind's mind for a long time and we are getting one more step closer to find an answer. A new analysis suggesting that there may be many more Earth-like planets that host liquid water. Water means life, therefore the chance for aliens is much more higher than we expected.
Aliens and water can be found in outer space
The research, presented at the Goldschmidt Conference on Geochemistry in Lyon and recently published in the scientific journal Nature Communications, found that even if conditions are not favorable for water on the surface of a planet, there may still be liquid water below its surface.
Study co-author Lujendra Ojha of Rutgers University says: "Our study shows that this water can be found in places we hardly take into account. This, in theory, significantly increases the chances of finding environments in which life can flourish. Even if a planet's surface is frozen, there are two main ways in which enough heat can be produced to liquefy water underground."
He then added: "We see this happening even today in places like Antarctica and Arctic Canada, where there are large underground lakes of liquid water fed by heat from radioactivity despite the freezing cold."