Chinese students invented a coat that hides people from AI security cameras

Security is more important than ever before, but some people specialize in creating innovations that evade security.

Chinese students invented a coat that hides people from AI security cameras
Chinese students developed a coat that can hide people

Remember the cape from the Harry Potter movie that hides people when worn? If your answer is yes, you will understand very well what we are talking about. Chinese students developed a coat that hides people from security cameras when worn.

Chinese students invented a coat that hides people from AI security cameras

A coat that hides people

It resembles any other camouflage pattern coat to the naked eye. It is, however, an invisibility cloak that effectively conceals the wearer in front of artificial intelligence security cameras. By day, the coat's altered cover prints, planned through a calculation, get away from discovery from noticeable light cameras. Around evening time, when surveillance cameras ordinarily distinguish people through infrared warm imaging, the coat's implanted warm gadgets produce various temperatures — introducing a strange intensity design that permits the coat to remain unnoticed.

The InvisDefense coat, developed by four graduate students from Wuhan University in China, was one of the projects that won the first prize at the inaugural cybersecurity innovation competition sponsored by Chinese tech giant Huawei. Wei Hui, a graduate student in computer science who developed the coat's core algorithm, told VICE World News, "We spent a lot of energy preparing for this, including this product's design and development." He said that the InvisDefense coat is a "novel" way to get around AI human detection technology in security cameras that are already in use.