Did Queen Elizabeth die because of cancer?

Queen Elizabeth reportedly died of cancer. 96-year-old Queen's cause of death was recorded as "old age"

Did Queen Elizabeth die because of cancer?
Queen Elizabeth died at 96

In the forthcoming biographical book, Queen Elizabeth II. It has been suggested that Elizabeth died of cancer and spent her last days in pain. In Elizabeth: An Intimate Portrait by Gyles Brandreth, author, television presenter and former MP, known for her closeness to the Crown, the Queen, who died on 8 September, suffered from multiple myeloma, a form of cancer manifested by severe bone pains was stated.

Did Queen Elizabeth die because of cancer?

Queen Elizabeth died at 96

Queen Elizabeth II, who died at the age of 96. Elizabeth came to the fore with the news that she had a serious illness in the last months of her life. On the other hand, when the Queen died, no definite illness was announced and the cause of death was recorded as "old age". The following statements by Brandreth were included in the sections of the book shared on DailyMail: I've heard that the Queen has a type of myeloma that affects the plasma cells in her bone marrow. This explained the fatigue, weight loss and 'difficulty in movement' that came to the fore in the last year of his life. In the book, it was noted that the most common symptom of myeloma is pain, especially in the lower back and pelvis, and this type of cancer mostly affects the elderly. Brandreth wrote that he knew "she had limited time" given the Queen's rapidly deteriorating health: He had a very cool reaction. As might be expected, he accepted the situation with great sincerity.