Elderly man dies after being attacked by bear he kept at home

Akira Maruyama had bite marks all over his body when he was found dead.

Elderly man dies after being attacked by bear he kept at home
Elderly man dies after being attacked by bear he kept at home

An old man in Japan was attacked by a bear he had kept at home for years. Akira Maruyama died as a result of the attack. The incident occurred on the morning of November 28 in Matsumoto, Nagano prefecture. Maruyama's family called the police and asked for help, saying that the man had been attacked by a bear.

Elderly man dies after being attacked by bear he kept at home

elderly man dies with bear attack

Matsumoto police quickly arrived at the scene, but found Maruyama lying motionless on the floor in a cage in his garden. The unfortunate man had bite marks all over his body. Although 75-year-old Maruyama was taken to the hospital, it was learned that he died. Authorities announced that the animal is a Japanese black bear, which is about 1 meter long and weighs 80 kilograms. In Japan, permission is required to keep animals that pose a risk to humans, such as bears. Municipal records show that Maruyama received the permit for the animal in question in 2004. It was also reported that no problems were encountered in the examination carried out in the cage of the bear in May. The Mainichi newspaper announced that the bear was later shot dead.