Twin babies born in different years!

Something extraordinary happened and twin babies are born in different years. Here are all details.

Twin babies born in different years!
Twin babies born in different years

We have seen a lot of interesting things on social media so far, but we can say that this news is quite surprising. Twin babies were born in different years, creating a curiosity. US twins were born in different years. Kali Jo Scott, who lives in Denton, northern Texas, gave birth to fraternal twins, Annie Jo Scott, at 11:55 p.m. on December 31, 2022. The second daughter of the Scott family, Effie Rose Scott, was born on January 1, 2023 at 00:01. 

Twin babies born in different years!

Twin babies born in different years!Kali Jo Scott said she went to the hospital earlier than her due date on suspicion that there might be a problem with the babies. After the checks, it was decided to have a cesarean section one and a half weeks before the actual delivery date. Thus, fraternal twins were born in different years.

Anne Scott said she talked to her husband, Califf Scott, saying, "Wouldn't it be funny if babies were born on New Year's Eve," and the joke turned out to be true. The duo expressed that they liked that the twin sisters had different dates of birth. Kali Jo Scott said: I love it. I think it's very funny and entertaining.