WhatsApp has unplugged this service

WhatsApp has been going under some changes and now the app has unplugged one service.

WhatsApp has unplugged this service
WhatsApp continues to make some changes

WhatsApp has been going through so many changes for the last couple years as the company had some problems with their security and privacy features. Company has made many changes and now they announced another update. The deprecation of WhatsApp's Electron-based desktop application, which signifies the software's end-of-life stage, was recently announced.


Windows users who open the Electron version of the app will now be prompted to switch to the newly introduced native app. WhatsApp is making this move with the intention of providing a better user experience. Electron app's deprecation was not entirely unexpected. With this declaration, the Electron-based WhatsApp work area application, which has filled in as an answer for utilizing WhatsApp on work area gadgets, authoritatively reaches a conclusion following quite a while of activity in light of the Electron structure.

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WhatsApp has been working on some changes

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Users will now receive an expiration message when opening the Electron-based WhatsApp Desktop application. This message will make it abundantly clear that the application is no longer supported and will encourage them to switch to the new native app in order to continue using WhatsApp on their Windows computers. 

