Large asteroid flies close to Earth without a notice!
As we focus on Moon and other planets we are missing some important things that is going on. Here are all the details.

Earth survived an asteroid that passed very close last week and we had no idea about it. Scientists didn't notice the object before it arrived and only noticed the situation until it passed by the Earth.
Large asteroid flies close to Earth
Have you watched the movie "Don't Look Up"? We have seen a similar situation but the differene was we had no idea. As scientists figured it out later a large asteroid flied close by the Earth. The object, called 2023 NT1, was detected on July 15 by the Atlas observatory in South Africa. Astronomers at the observatory say the object has reached 60 meters in size.
Two days earlier, it had passed by Earth at only a quarter of the distance from the Moon. The distance of about 96.5k km is far from inflicting any damage, but relatively close for an asteroid. Therefore, the asteroid did not pose any danger to Earth. But it was a major reminder that truly dangerous asteroids can fly towards Earth and we may not spot them until it's too late. It is quite surprising that no one noticed it with the current technology.
Humankind has been too busy focusing on Moon and other planets for the last couple years as Earth gets more damage with the climate change.