Malaria-Carrying Mosquitos are the new threat

Malaria-Carrying Mosquitos are expanding their area, causing a new threat for the world.

Malaria-Carrying Mosquitos are the new threat
Malaria-Carrying Mosquitos are the new threat

Scientists have long expressed concern that the spread of disease-carrying mosquitoes will be among the most serious consequences of climate change pushing species into new habitats. After coronavirus we are really afraid of new diseases but it looks like the world is really open for bad things for the last couple years.

Malaria-Carrying Mosquitos are the new threat

Malaria-Carrying Mosquitos are the new threat

Yet this is not some hypothetical threat from the future. According to a recent study, malaria-transmitting mosquitoes have been relocating to warmer regions in Africa for more than a century. Colin Carlson, a biologist at Georgetown University, and his colleagues followed the outer limits of mosquito spread in Africa over a 120-year period using one of the most thorough databases ever assembled by medical entomologists.

Using the information, the researchers were able to calculate the geographical boundaries of 22 different Anopheles mosquito species between 1898 and 2016. The planet has warmed throughout that time by at least 1.2 degrees Celsius, creating new habitats for mosquitoes.

As a result, Anopheles mosquitoes have increased in height by 6.5 meters annually and moved southward by 4.7 kilometers (almost 3 miles) per year.