Pregnancy period is over: Babies conceived by a robot are born successfully

Technology has been developing and as with every new day we have more news. Now, babies conceived by a robot are born.

Pregnancy period is over: Babies conceived by a robot are born successfully
Robot conceive Babies are born

The things we have seen in sci-fi movies are becoming real now. Spain-based technology startup Overture Life announced that two healthy baby girls were born from embryos created by robotic insemination. Maybe this can be some good news for women, considering how hard it is to give birth and experience the pregnancy period.

The robot the company built placed individual sperm cells into human eggs with an injection called an "in vitro fertilization needle." The most interesting feature of the device was that this sperm injection process was controlled remotely with a PlayStation controller.

Babies conceived by a robot are born successfully

robot baby

As technology develops we are seeing interesting things everyday and now we have something else to add to the list. With the controller designed for the PlayStation 5, the researchers watched the human eggs from the camera and directed the sperm injecting robot with the remote. The robot penetrated the egg, leaving a single sperm cell. This process was repeated to fertilize more than 10 eggs in total.

The team obtained healthy embryos as a result of the procedure. Now, it is stated that these two girls are the first people born as a result of robot insemination. Will this end the era of pregnancy for women is a matter of curiosity.