Study finds what you choose as major in university says a lot about your mental state

Choosing a major for university might not always be about what you are capable of or how talented you are, but rather can be about your mood.

Study finds what you choose as major in university says a lot about your mental state
Study reveals why people study certain majors

Recent research has revealed that mental health disorders and the risk of drug or alcohol addiction in students may be related to the department they are studying.  The study was conducted with data collected from 1,829 first-year undergraduate students studying at the University of Ulster (UU) and the Atlantic University of Technology (ATU) in Ireland. Students completed detailed diagnostic questionnaires on a range of topics including mood, panic disorder, bipolar disorder, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and substance use. 

Study finds what you choose as major in university says a lot about your mental state

Study finds what you choose as major in university says a lot about your mental state

The findings showed that many students start college with some mental health disorder, and those suffering from certain problems are concentrated in certain departments.

The study found that humanities, social services and counseling students were more likely to report experiencing negativity in their childhood.

In the study, it was determined that those who had negative experiences at a young age were more likely to turn to the field of law or psychology. According to the study, students studying health sciences such as medicine, physiotherapy or biomedical had the lowest rates of mental health and substance problems. In addition, the highest rates of panic disorder and social anxiety were encountered in psychology students.