The date for Mars travel announced! Pack up, we're going to Mars!

Space travel is no longer a dream. In fact, colonizing Mars is no longer a dream. So when will the first Mars trip take place?

The date for Mars travel announced! Pack up, we're going to Mars!
Elon Musk is preparing for upcoming Mars travel.

Space is one of the biggest question marks for humans. There are still many unknown question marks about the universe. Black holes, wormholes, other galaxies and much more. Our biggest goal for now is to travel to other planets in the Solar System.

Currently, the closest journey will be a manned flight to the Moon, under NASA's Artemis plan. But soon we will witness much more than that. Because private companies on a global scale are targeting much more than the Moon. Anthem!

Elon Musk in works for Mars travel, travel date's here

According to the latest rumors, Elon Musk has allocated a serious budget for Mars travel. Musk's goal is to make a manned flight to Mars by 2030 at the latest. So we have about 7 more years ahead of us.

To be honest, a manned flight to Mars would seriously resonate around the world. But with today's technology, this is not possible.

Elon musk mars

At the moment, serious preparations are being made even for the lunar voyage. There are years of rehearsals for a manned landing on the Moon. For Mars, it will probably require years of preparation. Maybe Elon Musk means the year 2030, the date when the preparations will begin. We'll wait and see.