Tesla Model X caught fire underwater!

Tesla, the most famous name in the electric car market, has been involved in an unprecedented type of accident.

Tesla Model X caught fire underwater!

In a recent incident that adds to the concerns surrounding electric vehicle (EV) safety, a Tesla Model X experienced a fire after sliding into water in Hollywood, Florida. This incident, where a Tesla EV caught fire underwater, highlights the ongoing challenges with the volatility of EV battery architecture.

The incident unfolded when a couple attempted to launch a jet ski using their Tesla Model X. After successfully launching the jet ski, the vehicle, unexpectedly, began sliding down the boat ramp into the water. Alarms were triggered on the dashboard, and the driver found herself unable to exit the vehicle promptly. Her husband quickly came to her rescue, helping her out of the car.

Tesla Model X caught fire underwater!

According to the report by the Hollywood Professional Firefighters, the vehicle lost traction and ended up in the inter-coastal waters. The saltwater reportedly caused a short circuit in the car's electronics, leading to the fire. Remarkably, the fire continued to burn even while submerged underwater and only extinguished itself after some time. Following the incident, the Tesla Model X was carefully transported on a special carrier to an impound lot. The vehicle is being kept under observation due to the risk of reignition.

Fortunately, there were no injuries reported from this incident. As of now, Tesla has not issued an official statement regarding this specific Model X fire incident. This occurrence further adds to the discussions about the safety and stability of electric vehicle technology, particularly in emergency situations.
