How some can people live beyond 100 years is related to their DNA!

Some people can live longer than 100 years old and it looks like the answer is in their DNA.

How some can people live beyond 100 years is related to their DNA!
How to live longer healthy? The answer is in DNA

Some people can live more than 100 years thanks to their lifestyle, yet there is some other important thing as their DNA. Recent study shows people who live more than 100 years have something special with their DNA.

Scientists identify feature in DNA of people living over 100

How some can people live beyond 100 years is related to their DNA!

Living long is everyone's dream but it can be hard due to lifestyle and many things considered.  The team, which includes researchers from the Boston University School of Medicine, said this rare group of individuals who reach 100 years or older have a different immune cell composition that gives them highly functional immune systems.

Did you ever wonder why some people can get better easily while others are struggling a lot? The answer lies under DNA. The researches said "We assembled and analyzed the largest single-cell dataset of individuals over 100 years old to our knowledge, which allowed us to identify the unique characteristics of this group that support the identification of molecular and lifestyle factors that contribute to longevity" 

Along with DNA of course how people take care of themselves is also quite important. Do you want to live longer, what are your thoughs?