How you use your computer shows your stress level

Stress management is one of the most important things in life. How you use your computer also shows your stress levels.

How you use your computer shows your stress level
How you use your keyboard shows your stress

In modern life it is hard not to have stress, yet stress is one of the worst problems for health. Stress can be the reason of all health problems, therefore increasing it is the best solution. How you use your computer also shows how stressed you are. 

How you use your keyboard and mouse shows your stress levels

How you use your keyboard shows your stress

Do you ever see people who press really hard to their keyboards? If the answer is yes there have been a research about it. Research conducted at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich found that stressed people made sudden and violent hits with a computer mouse. "Stressed people move the mouse cursor more frequently and roughly, traveling longer distances on the screen," said Mara Nägel, who led the research team. "People who feel comfortable use shorter, more direct routes to reach their goals. They spend more time doing that," Nägel added.

The research team fitted 90 people working in a corporate environment with heart monitors. Meanwhile, an artificial intelligence system observed how participants used their keyboards and mice, and their stress levels were measured. "We were surprised to find that using the keyboard and mouse showed how stressed participants were feeling better than heart rate," said Nägelin.